

Why we need Steve Rogers Now more than ever...

I feel like Thanos embodies a very large part of the argument we make regarding everything that is going wrong with the world — over population, climate change, excessive use of resources without “giving back”.

Some may share his ideology, while a majority will condemn it. That isn't to say that people do not agree with him though. We agree, we just aren't all sociopaths who could allow something like this to happen.

Mass extermination or, as Thanos labels it, Balancing the Universe, isn't an argument for human slaughter. Though without any doubt, the way Thanos handles it, it does come down to just that. But no, the idea itself isn't inherently wrong or evil.

Yet, somehow, if the stakes really were that high, we would come to the same conclusion. All of us.

Well, except for Steve Rogers that is.

Having been a huge comic books fan, I have known Steve Rogers for almost two decades now. If I were to oversimplify...

(to be continued)

#Avengers #InfinityWar #Thanos #SteveRogers