

#A dedication to Tavore Paran.

“We followed her through this journey, The journey through the shadows of the Fallen Heroes, Ignorant of all that besieged her, Doubting her with every step, Not even knowing the sacrifices she made for us.

She kept silent the whole way through, Even when her heart was broken, And her trust was shattered, And even when all hope seemed lost.

Compassion for the Fallen One, Was something none of us imagined, None of us felt, Yet what seemed impossible, All of us witnessed.

She asked us nothing, She told us nothing, But follow her we did, As if chained to her wake, Against our will.

What is it to feel love for something or someone other then oneself? The ultimate question that we needed to ask, Was never the question that we did ask.

We kept laughing at everything, Yet why did the ache never lessen? We kept moving forward, Yet why did the tears never stop flowing?

Now that we know all of this, How will we be judged? Will we be remembered? Or will we remain unwitnessed?

The Book of the Fallen, Most pages filled with lies, With memories filled with dust, Our cause made to seem so just, For even if they tell and retell this story as we bared witness, The heart of the story, The truth of the story, The one that kept us chained to her, Will go unwitnessed. Will go unknown. Will be forgotten.

Just as everything in history deemed unworthy is forgotten, Just as we are forgotten...”

A Dedication to Tavore Paran of the Bonehunters, by Naushaad Gasieta